I Have Tested Positive

I Have Tested Positive

On Wednesday of this week I received my Covid-19 test results. I tested positive. I am one of the 2,110 positive Covid-19 cases reported on that day in the State of Utah. I had been sick for nearly 5 days before I decided to get tested. My daughter started coughing...
If You Don’t Get People, You Don’t Get It

If You Don’t Get People, You Don’t Get It

Here is a photo of our daughter, Rachel, at her place of work. She works at a chain restaurant that specializes in chicken. She has worked there for about six months. It’s not a particularly glamorous job. It’s not something that she loves. However, she is a faithful...
Speed Limit 15 7/8

Speed Limit 15 7/8

Garbage is such a marvelous topic! It is something that we normally don’t think about. In our modern era in the United States, we normally have garbage cans at various places in our house – the bathrooms, the kitchen or the office. When they are full, we take them and...
OH! How I Love Mondays!

OH! How I Love Mondays!

Yeah. Call me weird. I know that I am different. But, I can’t help it. I love Mondays. You see, I live a religious tradition that honors the Sabbath Day. I enjoy the Sabbath. I go to church meetings, spend time with family, study scripture, do some family history,...