Picking Peaches

Picking Peaches

I just came from picking peaches at a neighbor’s house. They purchased two side by side lots when they built their house. On one lot is the house and yard. On the second lot are about 40 peach trees. These trees produce some of the most beautiful and tasty peaches I...
Living With Covid In The Family-An Update

Living With Covid In The Family-An Update

It has been a week now since my test results came back positive. Since that time, my wife and my mother and the two youngest children living with us have all tested positive. I don’t understand why it has been a “shock” for each person to read their...
I Have Tested Positive

I Have Tested Positive

On Wednesday of this week I received my Covid-19 test results. I tested positive. I am one of the 2,110 positive Covid-19 cases reported on that day in the State of Utah. I had been sick for nearly 5 days before I decided to get tested. My daughter started coughing...
Speed Limit 15 7/8

Speed Limit 15 7/8

Garbage is such a marvelous topic! It is something that we normally don’t think about. In our modern era in the United States, we normally have garbage cans at various places in our house – the bathrooms, the kitchen or the office. When they are full, we take them and...
My Son Was Deported From Italy!

My Son Was Deported From Italy!

I have seven children. Sure, you can let that sink in for a minute. Take your time. Recently, my youngest son, Gilbert, returned from service in Italy. He had been gone for years and we were naturally thrilled to have him return home. In fact, we had received weekly...
The Great Richmond Ice Storm of Christmas 1998

The Great Richmond Ice Storm of Christmas 1998

In September 1998 we moved our family to Chesterfield, Virginia into a large farm house on four acres. This was the first house we had ever purchased after more than sixteen years of marriage and we were excited to have it. We had all seven of our children with us at...